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We welcome contributions from everyone. Please see our for more details.

How to Contribute

Reporting Bugs

If you find a bug, please open an issue on GitHub with the following information:

  • A clear and descriptive title.
  • A detailed description of the problem.
  • Steps to reproduce the issue.
  • Any relevant logs or screenshots.

Suggesting Enhancements

If you have an idea for a new feature or an enhancement to an existing feature, please open an issue on GitHub with the following information:

  • A clear and descriptive title.
  • A detailed description of the proposed enhancement.
  • Any relevant examples or use cases.

Pull Requests

We welcome pull requests for bug fixes, new features, and documentation improvements. To submit a pull request, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from main.
  2. Make your changes in your forked repository.
  3. Ensure your code follows our coding standards and passes all tests.
  4. Update documentation as needed.
  5. Open a pull request against the main branch with a clear and descriptive title.